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Evoking Young Consumers’ Product Attachment Through Experiences: A Case of Fabindia
Case Study

Evoking Young Consumers’ Product Attachment Through Experiences: A Case of Fabindia

Dr. Harleen Kaur, Dr.Priti Gadhavi
Product Attachment, Consumer Emotions, Pleasure, Customer Connection, Customer Experiences, Sustainability, Traditional Crafts.

The case illuminates the uniqueness of experiences that a celebrated craft-based brand of Indian origin provides to its customers, and also discusses product attachment as a consequence of positive emotions and feeling of pleasure that emerge from invigorating experiences. The case presents a consumer-brand interaction scenario where product features are not the primary determinants of consumers’ patronage, but experiences, emotions and pleasures evoked during association with the brand become the major determinants. Fabindia not only has a strong national presence but has also acquired a distinctive position of a craft-based retailer world-wide due to its unique, environmental-friendly products, promoting the craft heritage of the country. A huge variety of Fabindia products offer lifestyle solutions to a wide demographic and psychographic segment of consumers. The company is a success story and enjoys a strong customer patronage. However, in state of emergence of youth as a significant consumer segment with huge potential, the company felt the need to develop a new approach to connect with the youth. Fabindia had a traditional approach of in comparison to the customer experience-driven approaches of the modern-day progressive brands. The objective of the case is to identify which clues related to the brand Fabindia and its offerings determine the unique experiences, positive emotions and pleasure that Fabindia obtain through their association with the brand. Further, the attempt is to identify the elements that need to be orchestrated for young consumers’ attachment and patronage with the brand.

  • Pub Date:
    29 Aug 2018
  • Source:
  • Discipline:
    Organisational Behavior & Organisation Development,Marketing Management,Financial Management,Consumer Behavior,Brand Management,Entrepreneurship & Startups / Innovations
  • Product#:
  • Keywords:
    Product Attachment, Consumer Emotions, Pleasure, Customer Connection, Customer Experiences, Sustainability, Traditional Crafts.
  • Length:
    Pdf : 11 page(s) , Doc : 11 page(s) ,

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