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Industry Best Practice Case

Digital Dispensary in Jharkhand : An Apollo Hospital Initiative

Apollo Telehealth team( Submitted in AIMA's 8th Innovation Practitioners Case Study Contest and Summit, 04th December 2019)
Telehealth, telemedicine,digital transformation,Digital Dispensary ,Jharkhand

Government of Jharkhand (GoJ) has been providing health care services through a well-connected and distributed network of Primary Health Centers, PHCs/ CHCs, District Hospitals, Medical College Hospitals, other institutions like ESI Clinics / Hospital, etc. Despite this well-established network, the people in rural and remote areas struggled to get access to timely and quality specialty medical treatment due to persistent gaps that existed in manpower & infrastructure, especially at the primary healthcare level. Health indicators were shallow and the inequality in medical care was not justified during the present era, which was not able to keep pace with the national commitment of "Health for All" and the idea of an egalitarian society. The state has 32,394 villages spread across 24 districts in the state. There are 410 Primary Health Centres, 50 Urban Primary Health centres in 22 cities with just 30 doctors working part-time and 15 doctors working full time are available, 188 Community Health Centres with no specialists available and 24 District Hospitals. The state has a crude birth rate of 23.5 and a crude death rate of 5.3 reported as of 2015. With an IMR of 32 and MMR of 208, the state attracts the attention of authorities for focused healthcare delivery and awareness among the general population to improve the health indicators. This case addresses all the above challenges to provides healthcare to the grass-root level.

  • Pub Date:
    21 Jul 2020
  • Source:
  • Discipline:
    Corporate Social Responsibility,Digital Marketing
  • Product#:
  • Keywords:
    Telehealth, telemedicine,digital transformation,Digital Dispensary ,Jharkhand
  • Length:

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