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Case Study

Samrudh Solutions: Choice of service offering for business sustainability

N Chandrasekaran,IFMR Graduate School of Business at KREA University ,Andhra Pradesh, India & V. G. Venkatesh,EM Normandie Business School,METIS Lab, France
Operations strategy; Emergent strategy; Resource dependency; Alliances. Corporate Sustainability; Startup

Abstract:     The case is about a digital marketing company driven by two first-generation entrepreneurs who decided to plunge intobusiness right from their engineering student days. It deliberates onhow entrepreneurs,evenat the embryonic stage, can stay afloat and pursue theirpassions,even as theycope with numerous challenges in building their businesses. The case tells us how entrepreneurs canuse market opportunities to get the best out of their operations strategy. Here, the promoters targeted opportunities in high-margin advisory, digital marketing services and the small-sizedshared workspace business. Because of the promoters' problems in developing a digital marketing service business, they took out an emergent opportunity in shared workspaces. This studyrevealsthat though it was essential to be sensitive in the initial stage to protecting the capital and time invested in the business, the promoters had to focus on an operations strategy to stabilize their business. The studyleads to an inference that the promoters had tosecure the shared workspace business. Once they started generating profits and attained a matured phase of the market, the promoters couldreassess their passions, priorities and imperatives and build up a business portfolio that suited their levels of access to capital, their risk appetites and long-term sustainability. Fundamental to all factorswasthe challenge of determining the right operations strategy and implementing it effectively.

Learning Objectives:

1. Evaluate the opportunities, scope, and challenges ofa service operations strategy
2. Critically analyze the strategic fit to market requirements and operations capabilities.
3. Understand the need for businesses to realign resources with market requirements or align market positioning with operations capabilities.


  • Pub Date:
    25 Jun 2021
  • Source:
  • Discipline:
    Organisational Behavior & Organisation Development,Strategic Management,Operations Management,Financial Management,Supply Chain Management
  • Product#:
  • Keywords:
    Operations strategy; Emergent strategy; Resource dependency; Alliances. Corporate Sustainability; Startup
  • Length:
    Pdf : 8 page(s) ,

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