This case provides an opportunity to perform value stream mapping (VSM) for an assembly line and use the same to identify inefficiencies and areas of improvement in the operations processes using VSM. It features a manufacturer of machine tools who has recently doubled the throughput rate one of the assembly lines, through half-day indexing. Amid cut throat competition, the firm needs to reduce costs throughout the plant and therefore the case prods students to come up with further process improvements the firm could implement, before adopting the half-day indexing to other assembly lines in the plant
Learning Objective
- Learn the methodology to perform a value stream mapping exercise for a particular product line.
- Identify key issues and sources of inefficiencies in the assembly setting using the VSM technique.
- Discuss the criticality of inventory management and suggest ways of addressing the same.
- Learn how product re-design, process re-mapping, sub-assembly modules and workforce de-skilling can help in increasing the capacity of an assembly line.

Pub Date:
30 Mar 2018


Operations Management


Value stream mapping (11457),Half-day indexing , Process improvement (2257) ,Productivity improvement (30830), Lead time reduction, Assembly line (10053)

Pdf : 15 page(s) ,