Grameen Koota (GK) is a micro finance institution (MFI) that offers several socially focused loans for poor and low income households. Its collateral-free loans and other services are targeted at women from poor and low-income households to improve their economic opportunities for inclusive development. Udaya, CEO had set GK on a strong foundation for growth after a period of consolidation and was planning to accelerate growth. GK was growing at 2x but needed to grow at 4x. CEO was facing a dilemma as to whether GK should set up new branches and increase the customer base for lending operations or mine their existing branches. GK had started expanding beyond South and Western India by setting up operations in Central India. The case describes the strategies adopted by GK to consolidate and grow. It raises potential issues and opportunities including transitioning from microfinance to broader financial services, growing through rapid acquisition and expansion of customer base as well as lending operations. Should they retain borrowers merely as customers of a commercial, financial service or aim to make these poor borrowers financially self-reliant? The case also highlights the strategic options for GK to achieve its 2020 aspirations.
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